Canara Robeco MF Consumer Trends Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Bandhan Arbitrage Reg Mly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 10.0791
24-02-2025 10.0749
21-02-2025 10.0799
20-02-2025 10.0753
19-02-2025 10.0737
18-02-2025 10.075
17-02-2025 10.0648
14-02-2025 10.0671
13-02-2025 10.0634
12-02-2025 10.0596
11-02-2025 10.0588
10-02-2025 10.0578
07-02-2025 10.0553
06-02-2025 10.0533
05-02-2025 10.0507
04-02-2025 10.0483
03-02-2025 10.0458
31-01-2025 10.042
30-01-2025 13.3856
29-01-2025 13.3894
28-01-2025 13.3812
27-01-2025 13.3839
24-01-2025 13.3796
23-01-2025 13.3658
22-01-2025 13.365
21-01-2025 13.366
20-01-2025 13.3612
17-01-2025 13.3583
16-01-2025 13.354
15-01-2025 13.3524
14-01-2025 13.3406
13-01-2025 13.3491
10-01-2025 13.3482
09-01-2025 13.3326
08-01-2025 13.3339
07-01-2025 13.3344
06-01-2025 13.336
03-01-2025 13.3252
02-01-2025 13.3149
01-01-2025 13.3131
31-12-2024 13.3067
30-12-2024 13.362
27-12-2024 13.3648
26-12-2024 13.3633
24-12-2024 13.3573
23-12-2024 13.3613
20-12-2024 13.3573
19-12-2024 13.3424
18-12-2024 13.3471
17-12-2024 13.3356
16-12-2024 13.3348
13-12-2024 13.332
12-12-2024 13.3283
11-12-2024 13.3251
10-12-2024 13.3263
09-12-2024 13.3257
06-12-2024 13.3152
05-12-2024 13.3241
04-12-2024 13.3209
03-12-2024 13.3188
02-12-2024 13.3013
30-11-2024 13.2933
29-11-2024 13.2929
28-11-2024 13.3563
27-11-2024 13.3611
26-11-2024 13.3649
25-11-2024 13.3559
22-11-2024 13.3624
21-11-2024 13.3615
19-11-2024 13.3579
18-11-2024 13.3487
14-11-2024 13.3446
13-11-2024 13.3339
12-11-2024 13.3396
11-11-2024 13.3309
08-11-2024 13.3316
07-11-2024 13.3187
06-11-2024 13.3113
05-11-2024 13.3179
04-11-2024 13.3116
31-10-2024 13.2935
30-10-2024 13.3582
29-10-2024 13.36
28-10-2024 13.3584
25-10-2024 13.357
24-10-2024 13.3439
23-10-2024 13.3449
22-10-2024 13.3472
21-10-2024 13.3495
18-10-2024 13.3225
17-10-2024 13.3286
16-10-2024 13.3229
15-10-2024 13.3255
14-10-2024 13.3197
11-10-2024 13.3178
10-10-2024 13.3131
09-10-2024 13.3131
08-10-2024 13.2998
07-10-2024 13.2935
04-10-2024 13.2963
03-10-2024 13.2745
01-10-2024 13.2738
30-09-2024 13.2767
27-09-2024 13.3324
26-09-2024 13.337
25-09-2024 13.3435
24-09-2024 13.3389
23-09-2024 13.3398
20-09-2024 13.3354
19-09-2024 13.3231
18-09-2024 13.3301
17-09-2024 13.3262
16-09-2024 13.318
13-09-2024 13.3228
12-09-2024 13.3208
11-09-2024 13.3228
10-09-2024 13.3139
09-09-2024 13.3081
06-09-2024 13.3133
05-09-2024 13.2972
04-09-2024 13.2976
03-09-2024 13.2924
02-09-2024 13.293
31-08-2024 13.277
30-08-2024 13.2765
29-08-2024 13.3365
28-08-2024 13.3465
27-08-2024 13.3447
26-08-2024 13.3375
23-08-2024 13.3408
22-08-2024 13.3319
21-08-2024 13.3236
20-08-2024 13.3274
19-08-2024 13.3208
16-08-2024 13.3185
14-08-2024 13.3165
13-08-2024 13.3188
12-08-2024 13.3108
09-08-2024 13.3008
08-08-2024 13.306
07-08-2024 13.287
06-08-2024 13.2922
05-08-2024 13.2918
02-08-2024 13.2971
01-08-2024 13.2796
31-07-2024 13.2696
30-07-2024 13.3363
29-07-2024 13.3358
26-07-2024 13.3369
25-07-2024 13.3312
24-07-2024 13.3316
23-07-2024 13.328
22-07-2024 13.3268
19-07-2024 13.3294
18-07-2024 13.3105
16-07-2024 13.3075
15-07-2024 13.3005
12-07-2024 13.3079
11-07-2024 13.2931
10-07-2024 13.2951
09-07-2024 13.2883
08-07-2024 13.2838
05-07-2024 13.2807
04-07-2024 13.2803
03-07-2024 13.2755
02-07-2024 13.2712
01-07-2024 13.26
30-06-2024 13.257
28-06-2024 13.2562
27-06-2024 13.3265
26-06-2024 13.3213
25-06-2024 13.3244
24-06-2024 13.3137
21-06-2024 13.3166
20-06-2024 13.3077
19-06-2024 13.3074
18-06-2024 13.2985
14-06-2024 13.3034
13-06-2024 13.295
12-06-2024 13.2892
11-06-2024 13.2847
10-06-2024 13.2991
07-06-2024 13.2847
06-06-2024 13.2724
05-06-2024 13.2864
04-06-2024 13.2924
03-06-2024 13.2421
31-05-2024 13.239
30-05-2024 13.3077
29-05-2024 13.2906
28-05-2024 13.2847
27-05-2024 13.2866
24-05-2024 13.2901
23-05-2024 13.2891
22-05-2024 13.2867
21-05-2024 13.2771
17-05-2024 13.2808
16-05-2024 13.2688
15-05-2024 13.2664
14-05-2024 13.256
13-05-2024 13.2507
10-05-2024 13.2525
09-05-2024 13.2488
08-05-2024 13.2404
07-05-2024 13.2465
06-05-2024 13.2374
03-05-2024 13.2229
02-05-2024 13.211
30-04-2024 13.2281
29-04-2024 13.2732
26-04-2024 13.2659
25-04-2024 13.2628
24-04-2024 13.2742
23-04-2024 13.2746
22-04-2024 13.2675
19-04-2024 13.2773
18-04-2024 13.2676
16-04-2024 13.2606
15-04-2024 13.2537
12-04-2024 13.248
10-04-2024 13.2458
09-04-2024 13.2396
08-04-2024 13.242
05-04-2024 13.2367
04-04-2024 13.2264
03-04-2024 13.2178
02-04-2024 13.2018
01-04-2024 13.202
31-03-2024 13.1965
28-03-2024 13.1956
27-03-2024 13.2518
26-03-2024 13.2273

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